Dr. phil. Christoph Quarch (*1964 in Duesseldorf) is philosopher, best-selling author, speaker, companion and inspirer for enterprises. He organizes philosophy journeys (mainly ZEIT-Reisen) and teaches at several universities. He is regarded as Germany’s most down-to-earth philosopher and with his book “Der kleine Alltagsphilosoph” he has awakened public awareness that philosophy belongs right in the middle of our daily lifes.
- Plato’s Metaphysics of Soul: Reflexions on the Actuality of Ancient Greek Philosophy
- Süßes Dunkel – Sweet Darkness (David Whyte Author – Christoph Quarch Editor)
Although in German:
- Das große Ja (legendaQ 2019)
- Platon und die Folgen (J. B. Metzler 2018)
- Nicht denken ist auch keine Lösung (GU 2018)
- Rettet das Spiel! (btb 2018 – Hanser 2016)
- Officina Humana (av edition)
- Der kleine Alltagsphilosoph (GU 2014).
Quarch lives with his family in Fulda.
Philosophical profile
Christoph Quarch’s philosophy is in the tradition of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics, for whom he worked as a scientific assistant. He is interested in a well-founded understanding of our humanity in order to gain guidance for a successful an flourishing life. He updates different philosophical approaches from Plato and Aristotle to Nietzsche and Heidegger. His most important source of inspiration is ancient Greek philosophy, above all Plato. Christoph Quarch is one of the world’s most innovative Plato specialists and one of the best connoisseurs of the Greek spirit in the German-speaking world.
Tabular Vita
- born 1964 in Düsseldorf
- 1985 – 1996 Study of Philosophy and Protestant Theology in Bielefeld, Heidelberg and Tübingen (PhD in Philosophy)
- 1996 – 2000 Editor
- 2000 – 2006 Program-director of the DEKT
- 2006 – 2008 Editor-in-Chief
- 2008 until today – self-employed
- Lecturer at various universities
- Bestselling author and longseller-editor of more than 50 books
- Philosopher, speaker, thinking companion for companies and tour guide (ZEIT-REISEN), …
- Lives with his wife Christine Teufel and the two school-age children in Fulda